Call/Text 705-706-7725 for Inquiries and Orders

Firewood Cord Sizing
Face Cord (Cord)- 8’ long x 4’ high x 16” wide; 1/3 of a full cord
Full Cord (Bush Cord)- 3 face cords; 8’ long x 4’ high x 4’ wide

Firewood Storage Tips:
- Stack wood in a dry, sunny area with plentiful wind. Airflow helps dry wood and wick away moisture
- To minimize pests entering your home, store wood a minimum of 20 feet from the nearest entrance to your home
- When stacking wood against a structure (shed, trees, walls), ensure there is 2”-4” of spacing between the structure to maintain airflow behind the stacked wood
- For green wood stack with the bark side facing down to allow moisture to evaporate
- To keep rain/snow off your stacked wood, cover the top of the stack with a tarp leaving the front and back as well as the sides of the stack open to keep the wood dry and minimize rot/mould
- Keep any vegetation trimmed around your stacked wood
- Keep stacked wood off the ground through the use of wooden pallets to maintain airflow below the wood and minimize rot from sitting on the ground
- If pallets are unavailable, stack wood in an area free of debris, vegetation and NOT on dirt (limits animals, insects and rot)